لة اكثر من معني
اذا كان عربيا فهو اسم مذكر ويعني الذي تخرج قدماه من رحم أمه قبل رأسه ويديه عند ولادته. فالوليد هكذا أيتنُ وهو موتِنُ وهي مُوتنة. من الفعل: يتنَتْهُ أمُّه: أي ولدته بهذه الحال.
والاسم ايضا له اصل تركي وهو مؤنث ويعني ضوء القمر. many thanks to the manufacturer and the seller. i appreciate your big help. Has saved my job many times. Very good product I recommend it guys. It will help you one day. variation of flavors and that makes it very special I purchase this High Voltage but I was not sure if it will work or not. but when I take it. I become sure that it is working perfectly. 0-1
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